时间 | 行程 | 景点 | 提醒 |
第1天 | 阿灵顿国家公墓和战争纪念碑游览 | 华盛顿华盛顿纪念碑硫磺岛海战纪念碑朝鲜战争纪念碑五角大楼杰斐逊纪念堂白宫林肯纪念堂国会大厦国家广场罗斯福纪念馆越战纪念碑第二次世界大战纪念碑群马丁路德金纪念碑 |
Meet your guide at the Hyatt Regency at Capitol Hill in the morning and travel by coach or van, depending on the size of your group.
The first 3 hours of the tour will be spent in the city driving by and visiting various memorials including United States Air Force Memorial, the National World War II Memorial, the Korean War Veterans Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
在途中您还将看到许多华盛顿的地标建筑,包括五角大楼、林肯纪念堂、杰斐逊纪念堂、罗斯福纪念馆、马丁路德金纪念碑、肯尼迪中心、FBI总部、罗伯特 F 肯尼迪司法部大楼、美国大屠杀纪念馆、华盛顿纪念碑、史密森尼博物馆、白宫、美国国会大厦及国家广场。
While riding in the coach, see the gamut of popular landmark locations in and around Washington, DC. There’s the Pentagon, the Lincoln Memorial, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, FBI Headquarters, the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Washington Monument, the Smithsonian Institution Building, the White House, the United States Capitol and the National Mall.
在乘车途中,您可以看到许多景点,包括五角大楼、白宫、美国国会大厦、林肯纪念堂、杰斐逊纪念堂和马丁 路德 金纪念碑。
Aboard the coach, you’ll get great views of sites like the Pentagon, White House, US Capitol, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial and the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial.
Throughout your tour, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to take photos, learn about the history of the sites and hear stories of the sacrifices these courageous military heroes made.
This tour concludes with a drop-off at Arlington National Cemetery. Return transportation is not included.
您可探索联邦将军罗伯特 李曾经的种植园,这里占地1100英亩(445公顷)。从阿灵顿之屋中可看到华盛顿全景,随后您可前往约翰 肯尼迪的墓地永恒的火焰,他的妻子杰茜、兄弟罗伯特和泰德跟他一起在这里安眠。
Explore the site of Confederate General Robert E Lee's former 1,100-acre (445-hectare) plantation. Get great views of DC from his home, Arlington House, and head down to the grave site of JFK and the Eternal Flame, where John F Kennedy is buried alongside his wife, Jackie Onassis Kennedy, and brothers Robert F Kennedy and Ted Kennedy.
Witness the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and walk through the cemetery for a more intimate experience of this vast national treasure. Ride the tram (tickets included in the price of the tour) and then take either the Metro or a cab back to your desired location.
上车地点 | 服务提供时间 | 地址 | 备注 |
美国国会山凯悦酒店 Hyatt Regency at Capitol Hill | 10:30 | 400 New Jersey Ave NW Washington, DC 20001 |
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订单确认订单确认,将向您的注册邮箱发送出团凭证,请于收到出团凭证邮件后仔细核对,以确保信息无误。 如遇售罄,玩哪儿将第一时间与您联络改/退订单;极少情况下可能产生价格浮动,并会第一时间告知您浮动的差额,您有权选择补款或退订; |
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安全提醒不建议2岁以下婴儿、70岁以上老人、孕妇、身体状况不佳者参加,导游未经过相关专业培训,无法对以上人群进行特殊照顾,需您自行承担风险与责任。请您在参团时注意保管好贵重物品及行李,如有丢失,需自付责任与损失。 |
出行准备请您收到出团凭证后,仔细阅读凭证上的内容,提前打印出来或留存电子版,在入团时出示给导游; 由于各国家对游客出入境规定的不同,且随时可能更新,客人需自行了解相关目的地出入境政策,避免因疏导致的旅行延误和损失。 |
突发情况如遇不能按时入团(如航班延误、出关遇阻、交通堵塞等),请第一时间致电出团凭证上的地接社紧急联络电话沟通,玩哪儿也将尽力协调相关事宜,但需您自行承担前往下一个集合点的费用;未通知的延迟抵达都将视为放弃全部行程,无法退款。 |
取消时间 | 退还费用 |
出发前7天内(含)取消订单 | 不退还任何费用 |
出发前第8天(含)至第14天(含)取消订单 | 退还团费的50% |
出发前第15天(含)至第29天(含)取消订单 | 退还团费的75% |
出发前30天(含)或以上取消订单 | 退还团费的90% |