时间 | 行程 | 景点 | 提醒 |
第1天 | 布达佩斯历史徒步:革命、共产之旅 | 布达佩斯 |
The Hammer and Sickle tour, the way it was comrade! Written and raved about in the NY Times, Wall Street Journal and other major newspapers, this tour takes you on a journey back to the times about how life was like during our 50 years of communism.
We summarise how it all started, how big brother told us what to do and what not to do. We’ll teach you about how life was like behind the iron curtain. How children were brought up, how families lived, how we travelled, where we could travel, how long it took to get a passport and many other interesting experiences from black markets to banana lines.
Also included on the tour is a visit to our own private exhibition room, where we will introduce you to the real features of a Hungarian home through relics to typical furniture and furnishings. Furthermore we have an extensive collection of many communist related artifacts and relics, such as red and blue passports, party member’s registration book, pins, medals, currency and huge placards to help your understanding of the propaganda we once lived under!
Along the tour we introduce you to the historical approach through the last 200 years of contemporary Hungarian history. Hungary's past is filled with victories, failures and struggles. We lead you through these eventful times through the sights depicting the historical outcome and how it shaped Hungary today.
在匈牙利历史中,1956年革命震惊了世界,至今仍是匈牙利最主要的主题之一。在1956年革命之前,许多事件都为匈牙利寻求自由开展革命奠定了基础,包括独立战争、伟大的妥协、一战和二战等。了解近代史后,我们把目光转向二战后新成立的共产主义政府,是它领导了1956年革命。本次行程将带您回忆第一次抗争游行,第一次射击杀人,最终导致匈牙利反抗政权,在多地开展反抗运动。有些站点和故事会帮助您了解Cardinal Mindszenty在革命中扮演的角色,广场的重要性,以及它对前苏联持久的纪念。我们还将前往纳吉·伊姆雷纪念馆,了解这位在莫斯科公然反抗,两年后受到恐吓而付出了高昂的代价。此外,您还将前往国会地区,这里曾发生了枪战,煽动人民为自由而战。
On the tour we go through the Hungarian history that “shook” the world with the 1956 revolution as one of the main highlighted themes. Prior to the revolution in 1956 a plethora of events such as the War of Independence, Great Compromise, WWI, WWII gave huge significance to the meaning behind the Hungarian quest for freedom. After delving through the recent history we take a microscopic approach towards the newly appointed communist government after World War II that led to the events of the 1956 Revolution. The tour leads you through the remembrance of the first protests and marches and the first shootings and killings that led the Hungarians to fight back against an unethical regime and some of the major areas where all the action happened. Some of our stops and stories will be about our Liberty Square for Cardinal Mindszenty’s part in the revolution as well as the significance of the square and the last remaining tribute to the Soviet Union! We will embrace the character of Imre Nagy by his memorial in remembrance of the man who defied the leaders in Moscow and paid dearly on the gallows two years later. Another stop will be the Parliament area where shots were fired, which instigated the revolt to take up arms and defend one’s freedom.
The 1956 Uprising was a short lived battle on the streets but silently in the back of the minds of many Hungarians they plotted their flight from communism and finally laid to rest the memories through the reburial of Imre Nagy leading to free elections and a return to a free society.
上车地点 | 服务提供时间 | 地址 | 备注 |
Absolute游客中心 Absolute Tour Center | 14:30 | Andrssy t 22, 1061 Budapest | 具体地点见确认函 |
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