时间 | 行程 | 景点 | 提醒 |
第1天 | 古罗马斗兽场小团体游 | 罗马斗兽场罗马帕拉蒂尼山 |
Meet your professional guide at the Colosseum Metro Station in central Rome, and then head to the colossal creation itself. Once known as the Flavian Ampitheatre, the Colosseum embodies the true eminence of Ancient Rome. Built to host the gladiator battles that are synonymous with this period in history, it seated over 50,000 spectators and is undoubtedly the Roman Empire’s greatest architectural feat.
With your priority entrance ticket, skip the long lines and head directly inside. Then, follow your guide into the belly of the Colosseum to explore the fascinating underground level, which is only open to a limited amount of people each day. Stroll through the labyrinthine network of subterranean passages and chambers, and listen as your guide shares gory tales of the gladiators who prepared for battle here, and the fearsome animals that were held under the arena in cells.
Then, head up a level to the arena. Instead of walking around the edge as most visitors do, walk with your guide right into the space where the battles were fought. Tread carefully across the patches of original flooring, and peer down the gaps at the level below.
Finally, make your way to the Colosseum’s top tier where the seats for the lower Roman classes were situated. Take in the extraordinary bird’s-eye views of the arena as you walk around the elliptical amphitheater.
After exploring the Colosseum, enjoy a short break, then enjoy a leisurely walk up Palatine Hill, one of the Seven Hills of Rome. As you stroll amid the aromatic pine trees, listen to your guide talk about the origins of Rome, and see where the rich Romans once lived.
Then, descend into the valley of the Roman Forum. With your guide leading the way, weave through the cluster of ruins that once formed the heart of ancient Rome, and learn about the area’s highlights, such as the Arch of Titus and the Senate.
Your tour then concludes in the Roman Forum where you will have the possibility to wander around more if you wish.
上车地点 | 服务提供时间 | 地址 | 备注 |
罗马市中心古罗马斗兽场附近 Near the Colosseum, central Rome | 13:15 | the Colosseum, Rome |
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