Everything you see in the London Dungeon is based on actual historical events, from Jack the Ripper to the Great Fire of London, torture in the Tower of London and the grisly plague years. Live actors, shows, rides and interactive special effects ensure you'll face your fears head on in this unique experience!
Meet Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet Street - a short back and sides (1785-style) could be just the thing to round off your visit—but will you get more than you bargained for? Keep your wits about you to make sure you don’t become the next filling in Mrs. Lovett’s famous pies!
1888, and the fear rises inside you as you enter Jack the Ripper’s Whitechapel. As you wander the stinking slums, the true horror of his terrible crimes is revealed. Then a scream, the flash of a cloak and an evil smile as you come face to face with Jack the Ripper himself … will you survive?
Experience a Victorian sance gone wrong on Vengeance: the UK’s first 5D laser ride. As you spin around in the darkness, can you duck, dive, dodge and shoot your way out? A high speed, high adrenaline ride, this is the ultimate ghost hunt with you at the heart of the action.
Finally, embark upon your last journey on Extremis: Drop Ride to Doom! At the mercy of the hangman, you are at the very point of death and the end is drawing near. Taste the fear and feel the adrenaline pump as the trapdoor opens and your heart shoots into your throat as you drop, screaming into the darkness below…
How long you spend at the London Dungeon is up to you, but many visitors find a minimum of 1.5 hours to be sufficient.
出发 | 时间 | 地址 |
伦敦地牢 The London Dungeon | Riverside Building, County Hall Westminster Bridge Rd London City of London, Greater London SE1 7PB |
结束 | 时间 | 地址 |
返回原出发地 |
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安全提醒不建议2岁以下婴儿、70岁以上老人、孕妇、身体状况不佳者参加,导游未经过相关专业培训,无法对以上人群进行特殊照顾,需您自行承担风险与责任。请您在参团时注意保管好贵重物品及行李,如有丢失,需自付责任与损失。 |
出行准备请您收到出团凭证后,仔细阅读凭证上的内容,提前打印出来或留存电子版,在入团时出示给导游; 由于各国家对游客出入境规定的不同,且随时可能更新,客人需自行了解相关目的地出入境政策,避免因疏导致的旅行延误和损失。 |
突发情况如遇不能按时入团(如航班延误、出关遇阻、交通堵塞等),请第一时间致电出团凭证上的地接社紧急联络电话沟通,玩哪儿也将尽力协调相关事宜,但需您自行承担前往下一个集合点的费用;未通知的延迟抵达都将视为放弃全部行程,无法退款。 |
取消时间 | 退还费用 |
出发前7天内(含)取消订单 | 不退还任何费用 |
出发前第8天(含)至第14天(含)取消订单 | 退还团费的50% |
出发前第15天(含)至第29天(含)取消订单 | 退还团费的75% |
出发前30天(含)或以上取消订单 | 退还团费的90% |