Come and meet the residents of Loro Parque wildlife park in Puerto de la Cruz. It’s both a zoo and tropical gardens, with the world’s largest collection of parrots living among the more than 2,000 palm trees from all corners of the earth. It’s not just about parrots – there are dozens of other species at Loro Parque including flamingos, penguins, gorillas, jaguars and killer whales. For a fun day out for the whole family, take a walk on the wild side of Tenerife.
If there is one animal at Loro Parque who’ll grab your attention and put a smile on your face, it's the friendly sea lions, with their cheeky acrobatics, sheer grace, and balance. Not forgetting the majestic and agile dolphins that will leave you speechless with their gravity-defying stunts. Stroll along the leafy paths and discover birds and animals from all corners of the world. The park also houses a large aquarium, home to seven different species of sharks. Wander through the tunnel, one of the highlights of the aquarium, and watch the sharks glide directly above your head, so close that you could almost touch them!
Visitors young and old will be delighted by Planet Penguin, the largest penguinarium in the world with more than 250 penguins from five species living in an enclosure that recreates their natural habitat.
In 2006 the killer whales joined the park's large family of animals, offering an unparalleled show, Since, the Orca Ocean, has quickly become one of the park's iconic attractions and has the best facilities in the world.
What’s more, the park welcomes their newest experience, the Katandra Treetops, one of the most impressive free flight aviaries that exist on the planet, where you will find yourself face-to-face with an array of feathered friends. The newest members of the Loro Paque family, are Khali and Murphy friendly sleek gray river otters. These two little mischievous critters are a pure joy to watch and will entertain both young and old with their curious antics.
There are also seven spacious bars for you to sit back and recharge your batteries in one of the 7 strategically located bars. Enjoy a unique and tranquil space where the most varied exotic fauna coexists among thousands of palm trees.
Opening dates and times are subject to change. Please refer to the Park's official website prior to your visit for updated information.
出发 | 时间 | 地址 |
Loro Parque(Please check the terms and conditions by accessing: | Opening time: 9:30am; Closing time: 5:30pm | Avenida Loro Parque, s/n, Punta Brava, Puerto de La Cruz |
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