时间 | 行程 | 景点 | 提醒 |
第1天 | 托莱多全日游,附带马德里全景游 | 托莱多托莱多大教堂马德里 |
Leaving Madrid, relax on the 43-mile (70-kilometer) drive by luxury coach to Toledo, known as the city of three cultures, where Christians, Jews and Arabs lived together in harmony.
Your guided city tour takes you along the labyrinth of laneways winding through the medieval walled town. Your tour guide will point out the city’s Arabic, Mudejar Gothic and Renaissance architecture, evidence of the city’s Roman origins, Moorish influences and Baroque grandeur as the former capital of Spain.
View the medieval castle, with its storybook fortified towers, and the stunning Moorish architecture of Santa Maria La Blanca Synagogue, Europe’s oldest synagogue.
无论您是艺术爱好者还是历史爱好者,您都能认出16世纪绘画大师埃尔•格列柯伟大的画作。旅程中您将有机会与格列柯最著名的作品:奥尔加斯伯爵的葬礼 (The Burial of the Count of Orgaz )近距离接触。这是圣多美教堂(St Tome)最著名的游览景点。这幅画中人是16世纪托莱多最重要的一名公民,在画中身着文艺复兴晚期的服装。
Whether you’re an art lover or history buff, you’ll recognize the setting of Toledo from the majestic paintings by the 16th-century master, El Greco. Coming face to face with one of El Greco’s most impressive works, The Burial of the Count of Orgaz, in the church of St Tome is a tour highlight. The painting features portraits of 16th-century Toledo’s most important citizens, dressed in late-Renaissance fashions.
您还可以欣赏到圣约翰皇家修道院(Monastery of Saint John of the Kings),这是由费迪南德国王(King Ferdinand)以及伊莎贝拉王后(Queen Isabella)在15世纪修建的。这里的庭院回廊以及皇家衣柜的设计是著名的西班牙哥特式穆德哈尔风格。随后您将回到前屋进行观赏,并且在维克多.马霍(Victorio Macho Museum)博物馆观赏到当地的木雕艺术,在这里您可以欣赏到现代艺术作品,并且在美丽的花园里漫步。
Also visit the Monastery of Saint John of the Kings, built by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in the 15th century. Notice the courtyard cloisters and royal coats of arms in this classic example of Spanish Gothic Mudejar design. The tour then takes you to the former house and studio of a local sculptor at the Victorio Macho Museum, where you can see examples of the artist’s modern artworks and explore the lovely garden.
If you choose the full-day tour, you will visit the 13th-century Cathedral of Toledo, declared a World Heritage Site and Spain’s finest example of Spanish Gothic architecture. Also enjoy a panoramic tour of Toledo that takes in all the city’s highlights, from the river to the Alcazar fort, and pay an extended visit to the cathedral. Relax with a tourist-standard lunch of vegetable stew, veal and fruit salad, or indulge in a typical Spanish lunch of tapas, roast lamb, truffle cake with ice cream, accompanied by classic Spanish wine.
Tourist lunch menu (standard lunch):
炖蔬菜Vegetable stew
小牛肉配青豆、薯条 Veal with green beans and french fry potatoes
香草冰淇淋、水果沙拉Vanilla ice cream with fruit salad
Typical lunch menu (upgrade):
开胃菜、卡斯蒂利亚小吃Appetizers and Castilian tapas
烤羊肉Roasted lamb with vegetables
松露蛋糕Truffle cake with ice cream
葡萄酒、水、咖啡Wine, mineral water and coffee
时长:约8小时/返回马德里东方广场巴士停靠站 Bus Parking Plaza de Oriente, Level -2, Madrid
上车地点 | 服务提供时间 | 地址 | 备注 |
马德里市中心 Central Madrid | 08:45 | Plaza de Espana 28008 Madrid |
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