时间 | 行程 | 景点 | 提醒 |
第1天 | 达芬奇主题徒步行 免排队 | 米兰 |
在米兰中心的安波罗修图书馆(Ambrosian Library)(安波罗修美术馆(Pinacoteca Ambrosiana))外与当地导游见面。你会拿到一副耳机以便听清导游的讲解,然后直接进入欣赏《大西洋古抄本》——世界上最大的达芬奇作品收藏录。跟随导游穿过临时展览,听导游介绍这用镜像写成的12册科学绘画与文本——右边变成左边,而且是反过来的,这部图册编著于1478年至1519年间。
Meet your local guide outside the Ambrosian Library (Pinacoteca Ambrosiana) in central Milan. Receive a headset to help you best hear the commentary and then head inside to see the Atlantic Codex, the largest collection of Leonardo da Vinci drawings in the world. Follow your guide through the temporary exhibition and hear how this 12-volume bound set of scientific drawings and writings, comprised between 1478 and 1519, was written in mirror image — right to left and backwards.
欣赏完《亚特兰堤斯抄本》后,沿着米兰市中心漫步至圣母玛利亚感恩教堂(the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie)。在导游的带领下游览世界遗产名录上的教堂与多米尼加修道院(Dominican convent),然后在教堂外的广场喝杯饮料,吃点小吃(自费),补充体力。
After marveling at the Atlantic Codex, enjoy a leisurely stroll through the city center to the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Enjoy a guided tour of the UNESCO-listed church and Dominican convent and then perhaps refuel with a drink and a light snack (own expense) in the square outside the church.
Then, walk together with your guide to the convent’s refectory where The Last Supper is housed. Bypass the crowds with your skip-the-line ticket and enter the intimate room with your guide — only one group at a time is allowed to stand with the painting. Get up close to this world-famous mural that depicts the moment Jesus announced that one of his 12 disciples would betray him. Admire the exquisite colors and details and hear about the painstaking 21-year restoration that is has recently undergone.
After your time is up (15 minutes is the maximum amount of time anyone is allowed to stay in the specially conditioned room), head to the souvenir shop where your tour concludes. Here, take the opportunity to purchase gifts for yourself, your friends or your family. Alternatively, ask your guide for directions to anywhere else you want to go.
Please note: reservations to see The Last Supper are limited and sell out quickly, sometimes months in advance. Choose this tour to be guaranteed advance booking and entrance tickets
上车地点 | 服务提供时间 | 地址 | 备注 |
米兰安波罗修美术馆 Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, Milan | 16:00 | Piazza Pio XI, 2 20123 Milano |
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价格保护在您订单确认后72小时内且未出行,若您所订购的旅行产品降价,请致电或邮件联络玩哪儿,我们将返还差价部分等值积分到您的账户,积分可在新订单直接抵扣支付款项。 |
订单确认订单确认,将向您的注册邮箱发送出团凭证,请于收到出团凭证邮件后仔细核对,以确保信息无误。 如遇售罄,玩哪儿将第一时间与您联络改/退订单;极少情况下可能产生价格浮动,并会第一时间告知您浮动的差额,您有权选择补款或退订; |
交通提醒如您需要预订出行相关交通(如抵达/离开飞机、轮船、巴士等),或其他个人出行计划,请务必在收到我们的出团凭证后再进行安排。 行程未确认(如售罄)情况下,您自行安排所造成的不便与损失,玩哪儿将不承担责任,敬请谅解; |
保险保障地接社巴士都已承保,但是鉴于旅途全程不仅限于巴士活动,同时存在各种突发情况导致您无法按既定计划参加行程的可能性,玩哪儿强烈建议您单独购买旅游商业保险,以保障您的权益; |
安全提醒不建议2岁以下婴儿、70岁以上老人、孕妇、身体状况不佳者参加,导游未经过相关专业培训,无法对以上人群进行特殊照顾,需您自行承担风险与责任。请您在参团时注意保管好贵重物品及行李,如有丢失,需自付责任与损失。 |
出行准备请您收到出团凭证后,仔细阅读凭证上的内容,提前打印出来或留存电子版,在入团时出示给导游; 由于各国家对游客出入境规定的不同,且随时可能更新,客人需自行了解相关目的地出入境政策,避免因疏导致的旅行延误和损失。 |
突发情况如遇不能按时入团(如航班延误、出关遇阻、交通堵塞等),请第一时间致电出团凭证上的地接社紧急联络电话沟通,玩哪儿也将尽力协调相关事宜,但需您自行承担前往下一个集合点的费用;未通知的延迟抵达都将视为放弃全部行程,无法退款。 |
取消时间 | 退还费用 |
出发前7天内(含)取消订单 | 不退还任何费用 |
出发前第8天(含)至第14天(含)取消订单 | 退还团费的50% |
出发前第15天(含)至第29天(含)取消订单 | 退还团费的75% |
出发前30天(含)或以上取消订单 | 退还团费的90% |