“You’ve never seen anything like King Kong on stage. Ever.” (Entertainment Weekly). The epic modern myth is now a "dazzling thrill ride" (Variety), brought roaring to life on Broadway through an innovative mix of robotics, puppetry, music and stagecraft.
In the grip of the Great Depression, New York City is a place of pressure, of desperation, but also of hope. Enter Ann Darrow, a fearless young actress with a will of steel and dreams that reach as high as the just-completed Empire State Building. After a brutal struggle just to stay on her feet, Ann finds her big break in the form of Carl Denham, a fast-talking filmmaker who promises to make her the star of his next big adventure movie. Throwing caution to the winds, she joins Carl on a voyage to the mysterious Skull Island. There, they encounter a wonder more astonishing than they could have possibly imagined: a 20-foot-tall, 2,000-pound ape known only as Kong. To her surprise, Ann finds an unexpected kindred spirit in this magnificent, untameable creature. But when Carl hatches a plan to capture Kong and display him to the New York masses, she’s faced with a terrible choice. Will Ann follow the call of her own ambition? Or can she find the strength to stand up for what’s right?
Directed and choreographed by Olivier winner Drew McOnie, King Kong features an electrifying new score by Marius de Vries (La La Land) and Eddie Perfect (Beetlejuice The Musical), and a book by Jack Thorne, the Tony and Olivier Award-winning writer of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Don’t miss this “heart-stopping spectacle” (Newsday) People Magazine calls “as thrilling as any action movie.”
音乐剧《金刚》通过融合木偶戏、乐曲旋律和舞台技巧的创新技术手段,将这部“史诗级的现代历险神话”(评论自《综艺》(Variety) 杂志)搬上了百老汇舞台。该剧讲述了20世纪30年代,年轻气盛的女演员Ann Darrow跟随允诺打造她成为明星的电影制作人Carl Denham,从熙熙攘攘的纽约街头来到了一座原始小岛,拍摄蔚为壮观的世界奇景,从而引发了一系列奇幻故事。在这个重塑于舞台之上,一只重2000磅、高20英尺的大猩猩和一位甘愿牺牲一切帮它解围的勇敢女子,为观众呈现一段感人肺腑的故事。
出发 | 时间 | 地址 |
百老汇剧院 Broadway Theatre | 14:00、15:00、19:00、20:00 | 1681 Broadway New York, NY 10019 |
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