时间 | 行程 | 景点 | 提醒 |
第1天 | 卡尔什特因城堡皇家探秘半日游 | 布拉格 |
On this half-day trip from Prague, you'll enjoy a guided tour of the Gothic- and Renaissance-style Karlstejn Castle, built in 1348. As you explore, notice the attention to detail imposed by Charles IV, who was devoted to the rich interior decoration of his castle.
During the castle tour, you will move through the wildly impressive, step-like formation of the individual towers and buildings that make up the castle as a whole. At the lowest point lies the Well tower and Burgrave's palace; from there you’ll walk up toward the majestic Imperial palace, made up of five floors. Then continue even further toward the Marian tower. Finally, you will discover the monumental 197-foot (60-meter) Great tower, located at the highest point of the castle.
The castle’s interior is still decorated with a unique array of wall paintings that date back to the 14th century. In the Chapel of the Holy Cross you’ll find a collection of 129 Master Theodoric panel paintings, the largest collection of its kind in the world. Another large gallery contains portraits of Czech rulers and a replica of the Crown of St Wenceslas, the coronation crown of the Holy Roman Emperor.
In winter, if the Karlstejn Castle is closed, an alternative visit to the Český Šternberk Castle will be arranged. Český Šternberk is an imposing castle and is considered one of the best-preserved Gothic-style Bohemian castles of the mid-13th century. The castle stands at the top of a steep granite cliff on the western bank of the Sázava River in the market town of Český Šternberk. This castle features rich stucco decorations and a unique collection of weapons.
上车地点 | 服务提供时间 | 地址 | 备注 |
共和国广场黄色报刊亭 The Yellow Kiosk located in the Republic Square | 09:30 | Republic Square Yellow Kiosk |
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