时间 | 行程 | 景点 | 提醒 |
第1天 | 布拉格二战历史之旅(小团) | 布拉格瓦茨拉夫广场 |
After meeting your group and guide in central Prague, head straight into a dark period of the city’s history as you start your walking tour on Bartolomejska Street, passing an old prison the secret police used for interrogation and torture.
Continue to National Avenue (Národní), which acts as a border between Old Town and New Town. Hear from your guide about the students protests that took place here against the Nazi occupation in 1939, and then the communist regime 50 years later. Then head to Wenceslas Square, one of the city’s main squares and the historic center of the country’s fight against communism. Picture the square as it was during the 1968 ‘Prague Spring,’ covered with tanks and debris as the forces of the Warsaw Pact invaded the country.
接下来,您将来到共和国广场(Námestí Republiky),这里于1918年命名为此,彰显了捷克斯洛伐克的独立性,也是共产党中央委员会的布拉格总部。当您走在广场上时,您的向导将告诉您在二战期间和共产主义有关的故事。了解在纳粹占领期间,秘密广播电台的设立,以及最终在1945年爆发的布拉格起义。还有为什么仅仅三年后,全国就进入了共产主义统治。
Next, head to the Square of the Republic (Námestí Republiky), named for the independence of Czechoslovakia in 1918 and, ironically, the location of the Prague headquarters of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. As you walk around the square, listen to your guide tell you a bit about what went on in the city during World War II and communism. Learn how during the Nazi occupation, secret broadcast stations were set up by the Czech resistance, culminating in the 1945 Prague Uprising. And then how just three years later, the country entered communist rule.
Walk through Old Town, stopping to look up at a balcony from which the leader of the communist party announced his plan to take over the country. Next door, see the house where Albert Einstein spent time in the early 1900s during his work with the University of Prague – work that contributed to the physicist’s ideas that eventually led to the invention of the atom bomb.
Then pass through the Old Jewish Cemetery, which dates back to the 15th century, before continuing your tour to the former KGB and SS (Nazi Protection Squadron) headquarters. End your tour on the waterfront, admiring the Vltava River and listening to your guide's final tale about the world's largest Stalin statue and its demise.
时长:约2.5小时/返回Jan Palach广场的鲁道夫宫中心大厅
上车地点 | 服务提供时间 | 地址 | 备注 |
布拉格市中心 Central Prague | 14:00 | Central Prague |
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