时间 | 行程 | 景点 | 提醒 |
第1天 | 西班牙广场和许愿池小团游 | 罗马 |
在西班牙广场开始您的旅行,这里被广泛认为是罗马最有名的广场之一。沉浸在这个城市的繁华和忙碌的气氛中,也可以花时间来用相机捕捉景色。Fontana della Barcaccia(沉船喷泉)在广场中心占主导地位,四面包围许多美丽的赭石色建筑。
Begin your tour at the Piazza di Spagna, widely considered one of the most famous squares in Rome. Soak up the atmosphere in this bustling and busy part of the city and perhaps take the time to capture its sights on camera. The Fontana della Barcaccia (Sinking Boat fountain) dominates the center of the square, surrounded on all sides by many beautiful ochre-colored buildings.
离开西班牙广场后,启程来到西班牙台阶,您的经验丰富的导游会解释罗马这部分相关的迷人的历史和文化遗产。这135级台阶是由建筑师Francesco de Sanctis和Alessandro Specchi在18世纪设计的,连接了西班牙广场与上面的天主圣三教堂广场。当您向上爬的时候可以欣赏下面的大广场和城市的全景。
Leave the Piazza di Spagna behind you and set off up the Spanish Steps, as your knowledgeable guide explains the fascinating history and heritage associated with this part of Rome. This set of 135 steps was designed by architects Francesco de Sanctis and Alessandro Specchi in the 18th century, and links the Piazza di Spagna with the Piazza Trinità dei Monti above. Enjoy panoramic views of the large square below and the city beyond as you climb.
在您的游览中停留一下欣赏Acqua Vergine,几个世纪前建造的古罗马水道之一,用来从阿尔班山输送淡水到城市的许多喷泉。到今天您仍然可以看到人们从渡槽提供的喷泉水灌水瓶。
Pause on your tour to admire the Acqua Vergine, one of the aqueducts constructed centuries ago to carry fresh water from the Alban Hills to the city’s many fountains. To this day, you can still see people filling bottles with fountain water supplied by the aqueduct.
Continue onward to the famous Trevi Fountain, built in the baroque style and considered by many to be the most impressive of all Rome’s fountains. Toss a coin into the flowing water, using your right hand over your left shoulder as tradition dictates, and perhaps pose for photographs in front of the fountain.
沿着靠近喷泉的小道向下来到Vicus Caprarius,一个古老的通往特雷维喷泉下的罗马废墟的通道。发现喷泉下方地下建筑群,并听取导游解释这一考古发现告诉我们关于公元1世纪和4个世纪之间的罗马帝国生活。参观结构,如一个蓄水池,楼梯和在废墟中的通道,这已经几个世纪不受干扰了。
Venture down an alleyway near the fountain to the Vicus Caprarius, an ancient passageway leading to the Roman ruins beneath the Trevi Fountain. Discover the underground complex that lies beneath the fountain, and listen as your guide explains what this archaeological find has taught us about life in imperial Rome between the 1st and 4th centuries AD. Look out for structures such as a water cistern, staircases and passages among the ruins, which had been lying undisturbed for centuries.
At the conclusion of your 2-hour guided tour, enjoy exploring the rest of Rome at your leisure.
上车地点 | 服务提供时间 | 地址 | 备注 |
西班牙广场 Piazza di Spagna | 10:30 | Piazza di Spagna Piazza di Spagna 00187 Roma |
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