时间 | 行程 | 景点 | 提醒 |
第1天 | 巴塞罗那“风之影”书籍步行游 | 巴塞罗那 |
在这文艺城市徒步旅行,回到20世纪初的巴塞罗那,跟随在小说风之影中的人物的脚步,这本畅销书由 Carlos Ruiz Zafon 设定在20世纪40年代。这个书是多个奖项的获得者,包括在西班牙的 Premio de la Fundacion Jose Manuel Lara和在美国的Borders Original Voices Award,风之影是关于一个男孩丹尼尔,以及他在巴塞罗那找到关于一本书的真相的神秘旅程,这本书也叫风之影,他在被遗忘之书的公墓发现了。这本书和旅程将永远改变他的生活。
On this literary city walking tour, travel back to the Barcelona of the early 20th century and follow the footsteps of the characters in the novel The Shadow of the Wind, a bestseller by Carlos Ruiz Zafn set in the 1940s. The winner of several awards including the Premio de la Fundacin Jos Manuel Lara in Spain and the Borders Original Voices Award in the United States, The Shadow of the Wind is about a boy, Daniel, and his mysterious journey around Barcelona to find the truth about a book, also called The Shadow of the Wind, that he finds in the Cemetery of Forgotten Books. The book and the journey will change his life forever.
Meet your local guide in central Barcelona, and dive into the story as you visit locations both real and fictional, and hear about the key plot points from your guide. Just like Daniel Sempere and Julian Carax, two of the main characters, you’ll walk through a labyrinth of mysteries and surprises.
Stroll down Rambla Santa Mnica and arrive at the Arch of the Theater, where you can imagine the aged carved wooden door that Daniel sees, the ‘old palace skeleton’ and the Cemetery of Forgotten Books.
经过皇家广场, Calle del Call , Baixada de la Llibreteria之后会来到Calle de Argenteria。您会很快达到海洋圣母圣殿和蒙特卡达街(Calle Montcada),其中圣露西亚和Xampanyet在这里。您的导游解说会提醒您发生在这些地方的书中场景。
Head through Plaza Real, Calle del Call and Baixada de la Llibreteria before making you way to Calle de Argenteria. You’ll soon reach the Church of Santa Maria del Mar and Montcada Street (Calle Montcada), where the Santa Lucia shelter and Xampanyet are located. Enjoy commentary from your guide reminding you of scenes from the book that happened in these places.
Continue to the famous Els Quatre Gats Caf and Santa Anna Street, and then see a square with a church, where the Sempere & Sons bookshop is located in the novel. Walk along Canuda Street until you reach the Ateneo Barcelons and the Palau de la Msica Catalana (Catalan Music Palace), where your tour will finish. From here, visit the palace (on your own at own expense) or continue your exploration of Barcelona at your own pace!
上车地点 | 服务提供时间 | 地址 | 备注 |
巴塞罗那市中心,近Drassanes 地铁站 Central Barcelona, near the Drassanes metro station | 18:00(六月至十月) 17:00(十一月至五月) | Drassanes metro station, Barcelona |
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取消时间 | 退还费用 |
出发前7天内(含)取消订单 | 不退还任何费用 |
出发前第8天(含)至第14天(含)取消订单 | 退还团费的50% |
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出发前30天(含)或以上取消订单 | 退还团费的90% |